![Oribotics [.de]](data/scaled/960_oribotics-de-side.jpg)
![Oribotics [.de]](files/1/193_oribotics-de-6.jpg)
![Oribotics [.de]](files/1/194_oribotics-de-2.jpg)
![Oribotics [.de]](files/1/195_oribotics-de-5.jpg)
![Oribotics [.de]](files/1/196_oribotics-de-4.jpg)
![Oribotics [.de]](files/1/197_oribotics-de-1.jpg)
Oribotics [.de]
During 2008, as artist in residence, Matthew Gardiner designed the mechanics for this new work. The mechanical inspiration was to create a multi-level blossom, and to actuate the levels with one actuator. The success, in terms of creation, of this project is due to the pre-visualisation and computer based testing done prior to production. The prototype, the artists proof, shown in the photographs is the first build of an oribot of this complexity.
Designed in Germany, made in Australia.
![Oribotics [.de]](data/scaled/w460_oribotics-de-side.jpg)
Oribotics [.de] 2008 Exhibited at the Künstlerdorf Schöppingen May 2009 for the 20 year Jubillee.